Prof. David Daniel Ebert
Job Postings
Thesis Supervision
Research Projects
MP Schaub
Examining Differential Responses to the Take Care of Me Trial- A Latent Class and Moderation Analysis
CANreduce 2.0 Adherence-Focused Guidance for Internet Self-Help Among Cannabis Users- Three-Arm Randomized Controlled Trial
Efficacy of a minimally guided internet treatment for alcohol misuse and emotional problems in young adults- Results of a randomized controlled trial
“Take Care of You”–Efficacy of integrated minimal-guidance internet-based self-help for reducing co-occurring alcohol misuse and depression symptoms in adults- results of a
Design of a Guided Internet-and Mobile-Based Intervention for Internet Use Disorder—Study Protocol for a Two-Armed Randomized Controlled Trial
Testing the efficacy of a minimal-guidance online self-help intervention for alcohol misuse in Estonia- study protocol of a randomized controlled trial
User Experience and Effects of an Individually Tailored Transdiagnostic Internet-Based and Mobile-Supported Intervention for Anxiety Disorders- Mixed-Methods Study
Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of guided and unguided internet-and mobile-based indicated transdiagnostic prevention of depression and anxiety (ICare Prevent)- A three-armed
Problematic smartphone use in young Swiss men- Its association with problematic substance use and risk factors derived from the pathway model
Web-based self-help with and without chat counseling to reduce cocaine use in cocaine misusers- Results of a three-arm randomized controlled trial
Efficacy of a web‐based intervention with and without guidance for employees with risky drinking- results of a three‐arm randomized controlled trial
Efficacy of an Online Self-Help Treatment for Comorbid Alcohol Misuse and Emotional Problems in Young Adults- Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial
Transdiagnostic tailored internet-and Mobile-based guided treatment for major depressive disorder and comorbid anxiety- study protocol of a randomized controlled trial
Efficacy of an internet-based self-help intervention to reduce co-occurring alcohol misuse and depression symptoms in adults- study protocol of a three-arm randomised
Evaluating the (cost-) effectiveness of guided and unguided Internet-based self-help for problematic alcohol use in employees-a three arm randomized controlled trial
Why didn’t patients use it? Engagement is the real story in Gilbody et al.(2015) not effectiveness
CANreduce 2.0–the effects of adherence-focused guidance for Internet self-help among cannabis misusers- results of a three-arm randomized controlled trial