Prof. David Daniel Ebert
Job Postings
Thesis Supervision
Research Projects
M Berking
Reducing problematic alcohol use in employees- economic evaluation of guided and unguided web‐based interventions alongside a three‐arm randomized controlled trial
Telephone coaching for the prevention of depression in depression in farmers- Results from a pragmatic from a pragmatic randomized controlled trial
Effectiveness and Moderators of an Internet-Based Mobile-Supported Stress Management Intervention as a Universal Prevention Approach- Randomized Controlled Trial
Efficacy of internet-based treatment for genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder- Results of a randomized controlled trial.
Evaluating a hybrid web-based training program for panic disorder and agoraphobia- Randomized controlled trial
Guided internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia- Health-economic evaluation from the societal and public health care perspective alongside a randomized
A mobile application for panic disorder and agoraphobia- Insights from a multi-methods feasibility study
A Web- and Mobile-Based Intervention for Comorbid, Recurrent Depression in Patients With Chronic Back Pain on Sick Leave (Get.Back): Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial on Feasibility, User Satisfaction, and Effectiveness
Barriers and facilitators for referrals of primary care patients to blended internet-based psychotherapy for depression- A mixed methods study of general practitioners views.
Barriers and Facilitators for Referrals of Primary Care Patients to Blended Internet-Based Psychotherapy for Depression- Mixed Methods Study of General Practitioners’ Views
Effects of Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Routine Care for Adults in Treatment for Depression and Anxiety- Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Implementing internet-and tele-based interventions to prevent mental health disorders in farmers foresters and gardeners (ImplementIT)- study protocol for the multi-level
Blended Psychotherapy- Treatment Concept and Case Report for the Integration of Internet-and Mobile-Based Interventions into Brief Psychotherapy of Depressive Disorders
Blended Psychotherapy–verzahnte Psychotherapie- Behandlungskonzept und Fallbericht zur Integration von Internet-und Mobil-basierten Interventionen in die Kurzzeittherapie von
Clinical and cost-effectiveness of personalized tele-based coaching for farmers foresters and gardeners to prevent depression- Study protocol of an 18-month follow-up
Do Nonsuicidal Severely Depressed Individuals with Diabetes Profit from Internet-Based Guided Self-Help? Secondary Analyses of a Pragmatic Randomized Trial
Economic evaluation of an internet-based stress management intervention alongside a randomized controlled trial
Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of an unguided internet-based self-help intervention for social anxiety disorder in university students- protocol of a randomized controlled trial
Efficacy of an unguided internet‐based self‐help intervention for social anxiety disorder in university students- A randomized controlled trial
Standalone smartphone apps for mental health—a systematic review and meta-analysis
The more I got the less I need? Efficacy of Internet-based guided self-help compared to online psychoeducation for major depressive disorder
A health economic outcome evaluation of an internet-based mobile-supported stress management intervention for employees
A health economic outcome evaluation of an internet-based mobile-supported stress management intervention for employees.
Barriers and facilitators for the implementation of blended psychotherapy for depression- A qualitative pilot study of therapists perspective
Deficits in general emotion regulation skills–Evidence of a transdiagnostic factor
Does sms-support make a difference? effectiveness of a two-week online-training to overcome procrastination. a randomized controlled Trial
Efficacy of a web‐based intervention with and without guidance for employees with risky drinking- results of a three‐arm randomized controlled trial
Efficacy of Internet-Based Guided treatment for Genito-Pelvic Pain/Penetration Disorder- rationale treatment Protocol and Design of a randomized controlled trial
Evaluation of a text-message-based maintenance intervention for Major Depressive Disorder after inpatient cognitive behavioral therapy
Internet-Based Treatment for Genito-Pelvic Pain/Penetration Disorder- A Case Report
Patients experience with blended video-and internet based cognitive behavioural therapy service in routine care
Severely burdened individuals do not need to be excluded from internet-based and mobile-based stress management- effect modifiers of treatment outcomes from three randomized
Turning good intentions into actions by using the health action process approach to predict adherence to internet-based depression prevention- secondary analysis of a
Web-based intervention for depressive symptoms in adults with types 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus- a health economic evaluation
Wenn Geschlechtsverkehr nicht möglich ist- Vorstellung eines internetbasierten Behandlungsprogramms für Genito-Pelvine Schmerz-Penetrationsstörung mit Falldarstellung
Attitudes towards digital treatment for depression- a European stakeholder survey
Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a guided internet-and mobile-based depression intervention for individuals with chronic back pain- protocol of a multi-centre randomised
Effectiveness of a web-based intervention in treating subthreshold depression and in preventing major depression
Emotion regulation protects against recurrence of depressive symptoms following inpatient care for major depressive disorder
Health-economic evaluation alongside a pragmatic randomised controlled trial of a web-based intervention
Internet-based guided self-help for vaginal penetration difficulties- results of a randomized controlled pilot trial
Preventing depression in adults with subthreshold depression- health-economic evaluation alongside a pragmatic randomized controlled trial of a web-based intervention
The benefit of web-and computer-based interventions for stress- a systematic review and meta-analysis
Adherence to internet-based mobile-supported stress management- a pooled analysis of individual participant data from three randomized controlled trials
An internet-based guided self-help intervention for vaginismus. Results of a randomised controlled proof-of-concept trial
Barriers to and facilitators for referral to blended internet-based depression treatment in primary care
Effect of a web-based guided self-help intervention for prevention of major depression in adults with subthreshold depression- a randomized clinical trial
Emotion regulation mediates the effect of childhood trauma on depression
Internet-and mobile-based stress management for employees with adherence-focused guidance- efficacy and mechanism of change
Internet-and mobile-based treatment of comorbid depression in chronic back pain patients on sick leave
Internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia- a health economic evaluation
Internet-und mobilbasierte Interventionen zur Prävention und Behandlung psychischer Störungen
Langzeiteffekte eines Online-Trainings zur Reduktion von depressiven Beschwerden für Personen mit Diabetes Mellitus Typ 1 und Typ 2–Ergebnisse einer randomisiert-klinischen
Overcome procrastination- Enhancing emotion regulation skills reduce procrastination
Reliability and validity of assessing user satisfaction with web-based health interventions
Self-guided internet-based and mobile-based stress management for employees- results of a randomised controlled trial
Validation of the Behavioral Activation for Depression Scale (BADS)—Psychometric properties of the long and short form
Web-based and mobile stress management intervention for employees- a randomized controlled trial
Effectiveness of a web-based cognitive behavioural intervention for subthreshold depression- pragmatic randomised controlled trial
Efficacy of a web-based intervention with mobile phone support in treating depressive symptoms in adults with type 1 and type 2 diabetes- a randomized controlled trial
Evaluating the (cost-) effectiveness of guided and unguided Internet-based self-help for problematic alcohol use in employees-a three arm randomized controlled trial
For whom are internet-based occupational mental health interventions effective? Moderators of internet-based problem-solving training outcome
Increasing the acceptance of internet-based mental health interventions in primary care patients with depressive symptoms. A randomized controlled trial
Langzeit-Effektivitäts-Analyse eines internetbasierten Programmes für Personen mit Diabetes mellitus Typ 1 und Typ 2 zur Reduktion von depressiven Beschwerden–Ergebnisse anhand
Log in and breathe out- internet-based recovery training for sleepless employees with work-related strain–results of a randomized controlled trial
Restoring depleted resources- Efficacy and mechanisms of change of an internet-based unguided recovery training for better sleep and psychological detachment from work.
Teachers emotion regulation skills facilitate implementation of health-related intentions
Effektivitätsanalyse eines internetbasierten Programmes für Personen mit Diabetes mellitus und depressiven Symptomen–Ergebnisse einer randomisierten klinischen Studie
Evaluating the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of web-based indicated prevention of major depression- design of a randomised controlled trial
Internet-based approaches in prevention and treatment of depressive symptoms in adolescents and young adults
Internetbasierte Ansätze in der Prävention und Behandlung von depressiven Beschwerden bei Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen
Mood and sleep reciprocally reinforce each other over the course of treatment for major depressive disorder
Online-Trainings zur Stressbewältigung-eine neue Chance zur Gesundheitsförderung im Lehrerberuf?
SEK-ES-Fragebogen zur emotionsspezifischen Selbsteinschätzung emotionaler Kompetenzen
SEK-ES. Fragebogen zur emotionsspezifischen Selbsteinschätzung emotionaler Kompetenzen [Verfahrensdokumentation aus PSYNDEX Tests-Nr. 9006700 Fragebogen und Item-Skalen-Zuordnung]
Successful application of adaptive emotion regulation skills predicts the subsequent reduction of depressive symptom severity but neither the reduction of anxiety nor the
A transdiagnostic internet-based maintenance treatment enhances the stability of outcome after inpatient cognitive behavioral therapy- a randomized controlled trial
Development and validation of a self-report instrument for the assessment of emotion-specific regulation skills (ERSQ-ES)
Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of a web-based and mobile stress-management intervention for employees- design of a randomized controlled trial
Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of a web-based intervention with mobile phone support to treat depressive symptoms in adults with diabetes mellitus type 1 and type 2- design of
Emotion regulation skills training enhances the efficacy of inpatient cognitive behavioral therapy for major depressive disorder- a randomized controlled trial
Entwicklung und Validierung eines Fragebogens zur emotionsspezifischen Selbsteinschätzung emotionaler Kompetenzen (SEK-ES)
For whom does it work? Moderators of outcome on the effect of a transdiagnostic internet-based maintenance treatment after inpatient psychotherapy- randomized controlled trial
Internet based cognitive behavioral interventions- state of the art and implementation possibilities in rehabilitation
Internet-based treatment of major depression for patients on a waiting list for inpatient psychotherapy- protocol for a multi-centre randomised controlled trial
Internetbasierte kognitiv-behaviorale Behandlungsansätze- State of the Art und Einsatzmöglichkeiten in der Rehabilitation
Log in and breathe out- efficacy and cost-effectiveness of an online sleep training for teachers affected by work-related strain-study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Web-based rehabilitation aftercare following inpatient psychosomatic treatment
Web-basierte Rehabilitationsnachsorge nach stationärer psychosomatischer Therapie (W-RENA)
Emotion-regulation skills and psychopathology- Is the ability to modify one’s negative emotions the ultimate pathway by which all other skills affect symptoms of mental disorders
Deficits in emotion-regulation skills predict alcohol use during and after cognitive–behavioral therapy for alcohol dependence.
Emotion regulation skills as a predictor of relapse during and after treatment of alcohol dependence
Einsatz neuer Medien in der psychosomatischen Rehabilitation-Erste Ergebnisse einer Machbarkeitsstudie
W-RENA- Eine webbasierte Rehabilitationsnachsorge zur Transferförderung nach stationärer psychosomatischer Rehabilitation–Konzept und erste Ergebnisse der Patientenbefragung
Vernetzung von Psychotherapie und Alltag- Ein webbasiertes Nachsorgekonzept zur Förderung von stationären Therapieerfolgen
Kapitel 2- Entwicklung und Machbarkeitsstudie GET. ON Panik App
Kapitel 4- Wirksamkeitsstudie GET. ON Panik
Reference Reason for exclusion