Prof. David Daniel Ebert
Job Postings
Thesis Supervision
Research Projects
H Baumeister
Effectiveness of a web-based behavioural activation intervention for individuals with depression based on the Health Action Process Approach- protocol for a randomised
Internet-based CBT for somatic symptom distress (iSOMA) in emerging adults- A randomized controlled trial.
Is therapist support needed? Comparing therapist-and self-guided Internet-based CBT for somatic symptom distress (iSOMA) in emerging adults
Protocol- Effectiveness of a web-based behavioural activation intervention for individuals with depression based on the Health Action Process Approach- protocol for a
Somatosensory amplification moderates the efficacy of internet-delivered CBT for somatic symptom distress in emerging adults- Exploratory analysis of a randomized controlled trial
Acceptance towards digital health interventions–Model validation and further development of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology
Clinical and cost-effectiveness of PSYCHOnlineTHERAPY- study protocol of a multicenter blended outpatient psychotherapy cluster randomized controlled trial for patients with
Effectiveness of a guided web-based intervention to reduce depressive symptoms before outpatient psychotherapy- A pragmatic randomized controlled trial
Individual Case Coaching through Telephone as a Prevention Offer for Farmers Foresters and Horticulturists?-Results of a randomized controlled Efficacy Trial (TEC-A)
Internet-based CBT for somatic symptom distress (iSOMA) in emerging adults- results of a randomized controlled trial
Lessons learned from an attempted randomized-controlled feasibility trial on “WIDeCAD”-An internet-based depression treatment for people living with coronary artery disease (CAD)
More light? Opportunities and pitfalls in digitalized psychotherapy process research
Settingspezifische Psychotherapie
Special issue on digital health interventions in chronic medical conditions
StudiCare-Results of Randomized-Controlled Trials Evaluating Online Interventions Delivered at German-Speaking Universities as Part of the WHO-WMH International College Student
Telefonisches Einzelfallcoaching als Präventionsangebot für Landwirte Förster und Gartenbauer?-Ergebnisse einer randomisiert-kontrollierten Wirksamkeitsstudie (TEC-A)
A Web- and Mobile-Based Intervention for Comorbid, Recurrent Depression in Patients With Chronic Back Pain on Sick Leave (Get.Back): Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial on Feasibility, User Satisfaction, and Effectiveness
Digitale Behandlungsangebote für Insomnie–eine Übersichtsarbeit
E-Mental Health- Internet-und mobilbasierte Interventionen in der Psychotherapie
Effectiveness of a Guided Internet-and Mobile-Based Intervention for Patients with Chronic Back Pain and Depression (WARD-BP)- A Multicenter Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial
Effects of Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Routine Care for Adults in Treatment for Depression and Anxiety- Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Erratum zu- Digitale Behandlungsangebote für Insomnie–eine Übersichtsarbeit
Impact of an acceptance facilitating intervention on psychotherapists’ acceptance of blended therapy
Implementing internet-and tele-based interventions to prevent mental health disorders in farmers foresters and gardeners (ImplementIT)- study protocol for the multi-level
Internet-und mobile-basierte Interventionen im Kindes-und Jugendalter
Psychological interventions to improve sleep in college students- A meta‐analysis of randomized controlled trials
Barriers of mental health treatment utilization among first‐year college students- First cross‐national results from the WHO World Mental Health International College Student
Digital Interventions for Mental Disorders- Key Features Efficacy and Potential for Artificial Intelligence Applications
Digitalisierte Psychotherapie- Die Frage nach dem “Wie”
Digitized Psychotherapy- The Question of" How"
Effectiveness of an internet-based intervention for procrastination in college students (StudiCare Procrastination)- Study protocol of a randomized controlled trial
Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of an unguided internet-based self-help intervention for social anxiety disorder in university students- protocol of a randomized controlled trial
Efficacy of an unguided internet‐based self‐help intervention for social anxiety disorder in university students- A randomized controlled trial
Internet interventions for mental health in university students- A systematic review and meta‐analysis
Onlinetherapie verringert bestehende Lücken in der Versorgung
Prevention of eating disorders at universities- A systematic review and meta‐analysis
Standalone smartphone apps for mental health—a systematic review and meta-analysis
StudiCare erfolgreich und gesund studieren–ein umfassendes deutsches und internationales Projekt zur Förderung der psychischen Gesundheit von Studierenden zur Förderung der
Wahrgenommener Stress und Lebensqualität nach einem telefonischen Einzelfallcoaching für Agrarberufen (TEC-A)- erste Ergebnisse einer randomisiert-kontrollierten Wirksamkeitsstudie
A web-based acceptance-facilitating intervention for identifying patients acceptance uptake and adherence of internet-and mobile-based pain interventions- randomized
Blended Psychotherapy–verzahnte Psychotherapie- Das Beste aus zwei Welten?
Correction to- Effectiveness and acceptance of a web-based depression intervention during waiting time for outpatient psychotherapy- study protocol for a randomized controlled
Economic evaluations of internet-and mobile-based interventions for the treatment and prevention of depression- a systematic review
Effectiveness and acceptance of a web-based depression intervention during waiting time for outpatient psychotherapy- study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Effectiveness of an internet-and app-based intervention for college students with elevated stress- randomized controlled trial
Effectiveness of an Internet-and App-based intervention for college students with elevated stress- results of a randomized controlled trial
Effectiveness of web-and mobile-based treatment of subthreshold depression with adherence-focused guidance- a single-blind randomized controlled trial
Efficacy of a guided internet-based intervention (iSOMA) for somatic symptoms and related distress in university students- study protocol of a randomised controlled trial
Internet-based interventions in chronic somatic disease
Patients experiences in a guided internet-and app-based stress intervention for college students- a qualitative study
Psychologische E-Health Interventionen für Menschen mit chronischen Erkrankungen
Web-based intervention for depressive symptoms in adults with types 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus- a health economic evaluation
Übersichtsarbeit- Internetbasierte Interventionen bei chronischen körperlichen Erkrankungen
Effectiveness of a web-based intervention in treating subthreshold depression and in preventing major depression
Internet-and mobile-based approaches- psycho-social diagnostics and treatment in medical rehabilitation
Internet-based self-help interventions for depression in routine care
Internet-und mobilebasierte Ansätze
Internet-und mobilebasierte Ansätze- Psychosoziale Diagnostik und Behandlung in der medizinischen Rehabilitation (Leitthema)
Internet-und mobilebasierte Psychotherapie der Depression
Prevention of mental health disorders using internet-and mobile-based interventions- a narrative review and recommendations for future research
The 6‐month effectiveness of Internet‐based guided self‐help for depression in adults with Type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus
Barriers to and facilitators for referral to blended internet-based depression treatment in primary care
Internet-and mobile-based treatment of comorbid depression in chronic back pain patients on sick leave
Internet-und mobilbasierte Interventionen in der Psychotherapie- ein Überblick
Internet-und mobilbasierte Interventionen zur Prävention und Behandlung psychischer Störungen
Langzeiteffekte eines Online-Trainings zur Reduktion von depressiven Beschwerden für Personen mit Diabetes Mellitus Typ 1 und Typ 2–Ergebnisse einer randomisiert-klinischen
Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a guided and unguided internet-based Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for chronic pain- Study protocol for a three-armed randomised
Effectiveness of an online-based Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for chronic pain
Efficacy of a web-based intervention with mobile phone support in treating depressive symptoms in adults with type 1 and type 2 diabetes- a randomized controlled trial
Impact of an Acceptance Facilitating Intervention on Patients’ Acceptance of Internet-based Pain Interventions
Increasing the acceptance of internet-based mental health interventions in primary care patients with depressive symptoms. A randomized controlled trial
Langzeit-Effektivitäts-Analyse eines internetbasierten Programmes für Personen mit Diabetes mellitus Typ 1 und Typ 2 zur Reduktion von depressiven Beschwerden–Ergebnisse anhand
GET. ON Mood Enhancer- efficacy of Internet-based guided self-help compared to psychoeducation for depression- an investigator-blinded randomised controlled trial
Impact of an acceptance facilitating intervention on diabetes patients’ acceptance of Internet-based interventions for depression- a randomized controlled trial
Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of a web-based intervention with mobile phone support to treat depressive symptoms in adults with diabetes mellitus type 1 and type 2- design of
For whom does it work? Moderators of outcome on the effect of a transdiagnostic internet-based maintenance treatment after inpatient psychotherapy- randomized controlled trial
Internet based cognitive behavioral interventions- state of the art and implementation possibilities in rehabilitation
Internetbasierte kognitiv-behaviorale Behandlungsansätze- State of the Art und Einsatzmöglichkeiten in der Rehabilitation
Ein internetbasiertes programm zur pravention von depression bei diabetes mellitus typ 2 patienten-konzept und design einer randomisierten klinischen studie
Web-based program for Prevention of Depression in Type 2 Diabetes Patients-Concept and design of a randomized clinical Trial
& Ebert DD (2019)