Prof. David Daniel Ebert
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Thesis Supervision
Research Projects
D Lehr
Akzeptanz und Nutzung von E-Mental-Health-Angeboten unter Studierenden
Reducing problematic alcohol use in employees- economic evaluation of guided and unguided web‐based interventions alongside a three‐arm randomized controlled trial
A three-armed randomised controlled trial investigating the comparative impact of guidance on the efficacy of a web-based stress management intervention and health impairing
Effect of an internet-and app-based stress intervention compared to online psychoeducation in university students with depressive symptoms- Results of a randomized controlled trial
Evaluating a hybrid web-based training program for panic disorder and agoraphobia- Randomized controlled trial
Guided internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia- Health-economic evaluation from the societal and public health care perspective alongside a randomized
A mobile application for panic disorder and agoraphobia- Insights from a multi-methods feasibility study
A Web- and Mobile-Based Intervention for Comorbid, Recurrent Depression in Patients With Chronic Back Pain on Sick Leave (Get.Back): Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial on Feasibility, User Satisfaction, and Effectiveness
Efficacy of a Self-Help Web-Based Recovery Training in Improving Sleep in Workers- Randomized Controlled Trial in the General Working Population
Do Nonsuicidal Severely Depressed Individuals with Diabetes Profit from Internet-Based Guided Self-Help? Secondary Analyses of a Pragmatic Randomized Trial
E-Mental Health- Selbstmanagement beim Diabetes mellitus Typ 2–Möglichkeiten von internetbasierten Gesundheitsinterventionen
Economic evaluation of an internet-based stress management intervention alongside a randomized controlled trial
Efficacy of an internet and app-based gratitude intervention in reducing repetitive negative thinking and mechanisms of change in the interventions effect on anxiety and
The German version of the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10)- evaluation of dimensionality validity and measurement invariance with exploratory and confirmatory bifactor modeling
The more I got the less I need? Efficacy of Internet-based guided self-help compared to online psychoeducation for major depressive disorder
Does sms-support make a difference? effectiveness of a two-week online-training to overcome procrastination. a randomized controlled Trial
Effectiveness of web-and mobile-based treatment of subthreshold depression with adherence-focused guidance- a single-blind randomized controlled trial
Efficacy of a web‐based intervention with and without guidance for employees with risky drinking- results of a three‐arm randomized controlled trial
Patients experiences in a guided internet-and app-based stress intervention for college students- a qualitative study
Severely burdened individuals do not need to be excluded from internet-based and mobile-based stress management- effect modifiers of treatment outcomes from three randomized
Turning good intentions into actions by using the health action process approach to predict adherence to internet-based depression prevention- secondary analysis of a
Web-based intervention for depressive symptoms in adults with types 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus- a health economic evaluation
E-Mental-Health–am Beispiel von internetbasierten Gesundheitsinterventionen
Effectiveness of a web-based intervention in treating subthreshold depression and in preventing major depression
Health-economic evaluation alongside a pragmatic randomised controlled trial of a web-based intervention
Preventing depression in adults with subthreshold depression- health-economic evaluation alongside a pragmatic randomized controlled trial of a web-based intervention
The 6‐month effectiveness of Internet‐based guided self‐help for depression in adults with Type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus
The benefit of web-and computer-based interventions for stress- a systematic review and meta-analysis
Adherence to internet-based mobile-supported stress management- a pooled analysis of individual participant data from three randomized controlled trials
Effect of a web-based guided self-help intervention for prevention of major depression in adults with subthreshold depression- a randomized clinical trial
Efficacy of an internet-based self-help intervention to reduce co-occurring alcohol misuse and depression symptoms in adults- study protocol of a three-arm randomised
Internet-and mobile-based stress management for employees with adherence-focused guidance- efficacy and mechanism of change
Internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia- a health economic evaluation
Langzeiteffekte eines Online-Trainings zur Reduktion von depressiven Beschwerden für Personen mit Diabetes Mellitus Typ 1 und Typ 2–Ergebnisse einer randomisiert-klinischen
Occupational e-mental health- current approaches and promising perspectives for promoting mental health in workers
Occupational eMental Health and teachers health. A meta-analytic review on the efficacy of internet-based intervention for promoting mental health in teachers
Overcome procrastination- Enhancing emotion regulation skills reduce procrastination
Reliability and validity of assessing user satisfaction with web-based health interventions
Self-guided internet-based and mobile-based stress management for employees- results of a randomised controlled trial
Web-based and mobile stress management intervention for employees- a randomized controlled trial
Web-based interventions for mental health promotion in employees- a systematic review and meta-analysis
„Occupational eMental Health “in der Lehrergesundheit
Effectiveness of a web-based cognitive behavioural intervention for subthreshold depression- pragmatic randomised controlled trial
Efficacy of a web-based intervention with mobile phone support in treating depressive symptoms in adults with type 1 and type 2 diabetes- a randomized controlled trial
Evaluating the (cost-) effectiveness of guided and unguided Internet-based self-help for problematic alcohol use in employees-a three arm randomized controlled trial
For whom are internet-based occupational mental health interventions effective? Moderators of internet-based problem-solving training outcome
Increasing the acceptance of internet-based mental health interventions in primary care patients with depressive symptoms. A randomized controlled trial
Langzeit-Effektivitäts-Analyse eines internetbasierten Programmes für Personen mit Diabetes mellitus Typ 1 und Typ 2 zur Reduktion von depressiven Beschwerden–Ergebnisse anhand
Log in and breathe out- internet-based recovery training for sleepless employees with work-related strain–results of a randomized controlled trial
Teachers emotion regulation skills facilitate implementation of health-related intentions
Effektivitätsanalyse eines internetbasierten Programmes für Personen mit Diabetes mellitus und depressiven Symptomen–Ergebnisse einer randomisierten klinischen Studie
Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of minimal guided and unguided internet-based mobile supported stress-management in employees with occupational stress- a three-armed randomised
Efficacy of a hybrid online training for panic symptoms and agoraphobia- study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Efficacy of an internet-based problem-solving training for teachers- results of a randomized controlled trial
Evaluating the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of web-based indicated prevention of major depression- design of a randomised controlled trial
GET. ON Mood Enhancer- efficacy of Internet-based guided self-help compared to psychoeducation for depression- an investigator-blinded randomised controlled trial
Internet-based approaches in prevention and treatment of depressive symptoms in adolescents and young adults
Internetbasierte Ansätze in der Prävention und Behandlung von depressiven Beschwerden bei Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen
Online-Trainings zur Stressbewältigung-eine neue Chance zur Gesundheitsförderung im Lehrerberuf?
Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of a web-based and mobile stress-management intervention for employees- design of a randomized controlled trial
Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of a web-based intervention with mobile phone support to treat depressive symptoms in adults with diabetes mellitus type 1 and type 2- design of
Internet based cognitive behavioral interventions- state of the art and implementation possibilities in rehabilitation
Internet-based treatment of major depression for patients on a waiting list for inpatient psychotherapy- protocol for a multi-centre randomised controlled trial
Internetbasierte kognitiv-behaviorale Behandlungsansätze- State of the Art und Einsatzmöglichkeiten in der Rehabilitation
Log in and breathe out- efficacy and cost-effectiveness of an online sleep training for teachers affected by work-related strain-study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Ein internetbasiertes Programm für Personen mit Diabetes mellitus und komorbider Depression–Konzept und Design einer randomisierten klinischen Studie
Ein internetbasiertes programm zur pravention von depression bei diabetes mellitus typ 2 patienten-konzept und design einer randomisierten klinischen studie
Web-based program for Prevention of Depression in Type 2 Diabetes Patients-Concept and design of a randomized clinical Trial
Effectiveness of an internet-based intervention to improve sleep difficulties in a culturally diverse sample of international students- A randomised controlled pilot study
Efficacy and Moderators of Internet-Based Interventions in Adults with Subthreshold Depression- An Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
Investigating the persuasive effects of testimonials on the acceptance of digital stress management trainings among university students and underlying mechanisms- a randomized
Kapitel 2- Entwicklung und Machbarkeitsstudie GET. ON Panik App
Kapitel 3- Studienprotokoll GET. ON Panik
Kapitel 4- Wirksamkeitsstudie GET. ON Panik